Bryten and Lily Find Joy with the Link Program

Collage of kids enjoying presents from JoyRx.

The hardships of cancer are not limited to the physical treatment. Cancer also affects a person’s social life, emotional wellbeing and financial stability.

That’s why the Children’s Cancer Association’s Link Program is necessary for families facing the difficultly of a cancer diagnosis. Link supports families with everything from bathroom renovations for wheelchair accessibility to gas cards, car repairs, holiday gift support; and special wishes not met by other organizations.

For two young women, Bryten and Lily, support from Link provided some much-needed joy.

Brittle Bones Won’t Stop This Book Worm

Bryten is a spunky 15-year-old who has been in and out of the hospital for many years due to a condition she was born with, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, or “brittle bone disease.”

Brittle bone disease can make it difficult for Bryten to attend school for long periods of time, but that never stopped her, and she’s remained a dedicated scholar passionate about school. So when Link received her request for a new laptop to help with classwork a new laptop was on the way in no time at all!

Bryten is now using her new laptop for schoolwork and online classes. Her mother, Teryl, is relieved that Bryten can now accomplish her schoolwork with more ease, “Thank you so much!  Bryten is loving this! She can finally do her school work without needing multiple devices.”

Music Heals the Soul

Lily is passionate about music and has been for a long time. She also has Cystic Fibrosis, a disorder which damages the lungs and digestive system. Music has always been a way for Lily to manage the disease, but it’s never been feasible for her to participate in music lessons.

That’s when CCA’s Link program stepped in and helped pay for Lily to take cello lessons. Lily’s mother was overjoyed to see her daughter embrace music:

“Lily has been asking for Cello lessons since she was a little girl and it was always something that was out of reach for us. When the school allowed her to use their cello CCA gave us a grant for Lily to be able to take lessons. It’s such a blessing and it turns out she has a natural music talent, she’s picked it up quite well. Lily is very grateful to have received an opportunity to help her grow and fulfill a dream she’s had for many years.”

Get Involved

Many of the resources Link is able to provide are possible because for our incredible community partners, like Reliable Credit Association, Inc. who have provided credit to qualified consumers since 1958 and have been a strong partner with CCA for the past 17 years!

Reliable Credit’s President and CEO, Lee Holzman, believes that it’s vital to give back to the community: “When I was a child, my best friend’s little brother died of a brain tumor. From that point on, I knew that if I only had a dollar to donate, I would put it towards helping sick children. And that’s precisely what CCA does on such an incredible level.”

Thanks to sponsors like Reliable Credit and donors like you, we have served over 260 kids through the Link program this last year alone. Help us continue this important work by making a donation or pledging to sponsor a program.


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