Family Joy Rides Home after Winning Summer Car Giveaway

Black car in front of a graphic that says, "Joy Ride."

It was a Joyous moment when Janet Crouch arrived at the Audi Beaverton dealership. As the winner of this year’s JoyRx Summer Giveaway, Janet and her family were the proud owners of the luxury 2022 Audi A3 Sedan.

Janet has supported JoyRx’s Summer Car Giveaway for a decade, but the chance to win a new Audi was not her only motivation.

A family of four poses next to a black car with a big white bow on its hood.

Janet’s 16-year-old son, Chase, is her biggest prize.

Chase was diagnosed with a benign brain tumor when he was only four years old. As a child, he had to undergo surgery to have it removed. The next ten years were filled with visits to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital for check-ups and MRIs.

“We were part of the Doernbecher family and being in that world, we’ve met so many families blessed by JoyRx,” Janet said. “Your world gets small, but we knew right away what JoyRx does.”

Janet has been an avid supporter of the giveaway for years, faithfully purchasing one or two raffle tickets for the summer and winter car giveaways.

This year, though, she knew she needed to step up her game. With a 16-year-old son, after all, she decided to purchase 10 tickets in honor of Chase’s upcoming driver’s license.

“I thought I should up my game,” said Janet.

The strategy certainly paid off as the family now gets to drive home with a new Audi.

“We’ve had so many gifts in our journey,” Janet continued. “Chase has had an incredible journey. He’s a phenomenal kid.”

The journey has been a long one, but the family was all smiles at the dealership. Janet and her husband, Terry, picked up their new car on Thursday, September 22, along with Chase and their daughter, Ellie.

Janet and Terry didn’t tell the kids that they’d won the car, however: it was a surprise. They didn’t find out until they pulled into the Audi Beaverton dealership to claim the prize.

The theme for the summer car giveaway this year was “Joy Ride” – and certainly the Crouch family has many Joyous rides on the horizon. Understandably, the Joy at the dealership was palpable.

All proceeds from the car giveaway campaign go towards creating healing moments of Joy for kids facing cancer and other serious illness. And this year, entries were 40 dollars per ticket, or 35 dollars each when purchasing two or more. The goal was, always, to build critical funds for the children who need it most.

It’s more than a car for the Crouch family, of course.

With Chase’s experience, Janet has graciously supported the giveaway for a decade. To her and her family, it isn’t just a chance to win that paid off, but an opportunity to support the JoyRx programs – JoyRx Music, JoyRx Mentorship, JoyRx Nature – which use Joy as a powerful immune system enhancer.

Family of four smiles for the camera.

When asked what brings the family Joy, Janet didn’t hesitate: “Music! We all love music.”

She added that the family enjoys listening to music when they are in the car together. “Driving this, maybe there is a road trip in our near future,” she joked – and naturally there will be plenty of music along the way!

JoyRx hosts two car giveaways each year, in the summer and winter. Keep an eye out for our upcoming winter car giveaway – each raffle ticket purchased earns you an opportunity to win and enables JoyRx to continue providing programs to families free-of-charge.


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