Golf for Joy Challenge Swings into its Fifth Year

Banner over a path that reads, "Tee it up for joy and help sick kids feel like kids again!"

On Monday, May 20, a joyful group of golfers took to Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club for the fifth annual Golf for Joy Challenge. With the goal to play as many holes of golf as possible from sun-up to sun-down, each swing of the golf club was in support of JoyRx and the children we serve.

For the fifth year, Golf for Joy Challenge participants came together from around the Pacific Northwest and beyond, wearing purple as they took to the fairway. With many new golfers joining the ranks and returning stalwarts teeing up for joy, our generous participants played hundreds of holes at the Witch Hollow course, raising over $33,000 (and counting) to support our three joy-based programs.

An Exciting Day

The first round of golfers teed off at 5:45 am, and the last group was still on the course by 8:00 pm. It was a sunny day — both with the weather and the golfers’ spirits.

“We ended the day with a round of applause from staff and volunteers,” said Anne Robinson, Director of Development, PNW. “It was inspiring to cheer each group over the ‘finish line.’”

And the golfers were dedicated. One group started the day walking the course but ended up in a cart, golfing barefooted due to their tired feet. They weren’t about to let aching limbs stop them!

Congratulations to our four golfers who each golfed one hundred holes in one day — a new record! Pumpkin Pro’s team of John Kawasoe, Chuck DeSilva, and Collin Hershey set this new record. And longtime JoyRx supporter Kim Corekin hit one hundred holes after golfing ninety-three last year.

And a hearty thanks to our top fundraisers. Pacific Office Automation’s team brought in $9,000 between its three members. And kudos to our top individual fundraiser: Cory Mahaffey, who brought in $4,725.

Check out the photos from the day, including exciting golfing moments and the celebration at the end of the course:


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