Life is Beautiful: Observing National Cancer Survivors Day

Rainbow-colored ribbons in a circle on a pink background.

Each year, on the first Sunday in June, the US observes National Cancer Survivors Day. This annual Celebration of Life serves as an honoring for those who have survived cancer, an inspiration for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of support for families, and an outreach to the community — uniting people around the world to recognize cancer survivors, raise awareness of the ongoing challenges cancer survivors face, and — most importantly — celebrate life.

At JoyRx, we know the hardship of a cancer diagnosis and how, with it, comes many obstacles and trying treatments. We see the effect serious illness has on children and their families every day and know the importance of finding Joy and lightness even in the midst of darkness.

Often, once someone has finished treatment, the impact and ramifications of that diagnosis remains: effects linger after visits to the hospital fall away. That’s why National Cancer Survivors Day champions continued awareness and resources for cancer fighters — and emphasizes the importance of finding Joy every day.

There is beauty in life. We’ve seen it and we know you’ve seen it, too. Finding those pockets of Joy is one way to embrace and celebrate life:

On this day and so many others, we invite you to find the Joy. We honor you and we’re grateful that you’re here with us.


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