Meet CCA Hero, McKenzie

Mother puts her hand on her daughter's shoulder.

In 2014, life threw McKenzie a pretty big curveball. She came down with what seemed to be a simple case of the sniffles — but was actually a rare virus that caused devastating polio-like symptoms. Twelve days later, she was paralyzed from the neck down.

While the disease took McKenzie’s ability to move, it left her spirit very much intact. She loves to make silly faces, share a laugh with her friends, and particularly likes pranking her medical team. (She once glitter-bombed one of her doctors.)

“If there was a championship for sassy, I would win!” she declared with a grin.

Throughout McKenzie’s long hospital stay and recovery, the MyMusicRx Specialists helped bring her the joy of music. A highlight for McKenzie was making a video of her singing her favorite song “We’ll Be The Stars.” The video found its way to the original artist, Sabrina Carpenter, who arranged a meeting with her number one fan.

“That was amazing,” said McKenzie. “She was so nice.”

When she’s not singing, McKenzie likes to paint, do puzzles on her iPad, and study science. “I’m learning the periodic tables because I want to cure cancer someday,” she explained. She’s even designed her own signature ribbon for the cause — “It’s pink with purple polka dots!”

We’d expect nothing less from this vibrant young lady.


Outwit. Outplay. Outdonate. – Central Catholic HS Fundraiser


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