Meet CCA Hero, Sol

Young bald girl laughs at the camera.

Ray of Sunshine

Sol is the perfect name for this two-year-old ray of sunshine. Sol loves petting farm animals, pretending to be a dinosaur, blowing bubbles with her Chemo Pal, Emily, and her rubber boots.

“She’s all about those boots,” laughed Ruth, her mom. “She even sleeps in them!”

Music Matters

Sol especially loves music, something that’s brought her tremendous joy during her treatments for high-risk stage IV neuroblastoma at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. “The MyMusicRx team has made all the difference,” said Ruth. “It gives her the chance to sing, play, and dance again.”

Sol has been through a lot since her diagnosis, including multiple rounds of chemo, radiation, and a bone marrow transplant. However, everyone around her marvels at her courage and good humor.

“The strength of her spirit is unmatched,” said Andy, her dad. “Even after a tough procedure, she’ll give us a smile and a high five.”

Live for What’s Important

“Sol has taught us to live for what’s important and embrace what we have right now,” added Ruth. “She doesn’t dwell — she only remembers the fun and important things.”

With Sol’s perpetually sunny outlook, it seems only fitting that her favorite song is “Best Day of My Life” by the band American Authors. Because the way Sol sees it, every day truly is the best day of her life.

Ruth and Andy Speak at Golf For Joy

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Meet Emily, MyMusicRx Specialist


Golf for Joy 2017, In Photos