Joyful News

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Music Robin Cedar Music Robin Cedar

The Power of Music: JoyRx Music Carts

At its core, music is medicine — and no one knows that better than our JoyRx Music Specialists. They witness a positive impact on the sick children they serve every day — drawing on the universal power of music to lift and energize spirits.

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Music Robin Cedar Music Robin Cedar

JoyRx Heals: Meet Oliver

When six-year-old Oliver first started having health problems, his parents, Tyson and Vanessa, believed it was asthma. When Oliver started snoring in his sleep or wheezing wearing a mask, his parents thought it was just sleep apnea or because of their son’s growing anxiety.

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Music Robin Cedar Music Robin Cedar

JoyRx Welcomes Three New National Hospital Partners in August and September  

Hospital visits and overnight stays for seriously ill children and teens at three new locations are about to get a little more Joyful! We’re excited to announce new additions to our JoyRx Music national hospital partners: University Medical Center of Southern Nevada (UMCSN), East Tennessee Children’s Hospital, and Medical City Children’s Hospital. These three new additions bring our national hospital partners to a total of 31.  

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Press, Sponsors Robin Cedar Press, Sponsors Robin Cedar

Support JoyRx with OnPoint Community Credit Union

JoyRx, the mission delivery of Children’s Cancer Association, knows it takes more than medicine to treat cancer and other serious illnesses. When a child is facing life’s most challenging moments, they also need emotional healing. JoyRx programs — JoyRx Music, JoyRx Mentorship, JoyRx Nature — light up each child’s life with music, friendship, and rejuvenating trips into the outdoors.

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Volunteers, Financials Robin Cedar Volunteers, Financials Robin Cedar

Kids Helping Kids

The 2nd / 3rd grade classroom at Resurrection Catholic Primary School (RCPS), located in Tualatin, Oregon, committed to spread Joy for their 2021 – 2022 service project by supporting JoyRx, the mission delivery of Children’s Cancer Association.

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Press, Music Robin Cedar Press, Music Robin Cedar

Music as a Medium: Literature Review Confirms Positive Impact of Music on Hospitalized Patients Across Wellness Domains

A recent independent literature review by Karyl Askew Consulting proved what we’ve known all along at JoyRx: that music makes sick kids feel better. And not just emotionally — in addition to benefits for mood and mental well-being, music also decreases pain and anxiety. The impact is all-encompassing, benefiting the emotional, physical, psychosocial and developmental wellness of kids in treatment and improving the overall quality of life and hospital experience for patients, their families and even the hospital community itself.  

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Music Robin Cedar Music Robin Cedar

Julio’s Story: JoyRx Music Gave Him a Voice

Despite being a charming teenager who loves to crack jokes for his family, Julio, who lives with Trisomy 21, or Down Syndrome, struggled to connect socially with others, an issue that was exacerbated during the pandemic. He had been working on this with Child Life Specialist Allison Moore at Dell Children’s Hospital for two years before COVID-19 forced Julio into isolation.

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A hand-drawn heart with lines crowning it, like sun rays.

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Individuals and organizations can make a difference in the lives of the kids and families we serve through giving, volunteering, partnering, creating events, and so much more.